Superheroes don’t wear Glasses

My five year old got a recommendation by the pediatrician to get his eyes checked. My husband has astigmatism, I have glasses too so we were pretty sure this day would probably come. But I wasn’t prepared for it to come so soon or what happened. We went to the Eye place and my nervous son sat on my lap…

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Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts are an amazing activity. There are so versatile, for kids and adults alike. They can be done at a party or community event. You can even do them around home or in your back yard to keep kids occupied on a play date or when they are bored. They are a great ice breaker for people who don’t…

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Prayers Unanswered

Faith and God are always a tricky subject, specially when the question comes from the minds of those unable to comprehend the complicated importance of religion in one’s life. My five year old recently asked me,” Mom, I’ve been praying for a pet since a few days now. When will I get it ?” You can imagine my heart melting…

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Becoming a Mother

The crying is unbearable. I panic every single time. My heart says love it. My head says get some sleep. But my body, keeps going through the monotonous motions. Clean. Sleep. Feed. Sleep. Clean. Feed. Sleep. Feed. Clean. Feed. Sleep. Clean. Feed. Sleep. Clean. With random organizing, hasty meals, exhausting chores and short naps thrown in along with the omnipresent…

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So was having a crappy day today. Almost a month of the family falling sick can do that to someone. And then a decade old friend shared a Facebook memory stating this about me,  ” A true friend, close to heart. Someone I can chat, fight, trouble, like “ And my day just brightened. Well, it might have had something…

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Goes to show the simplest moments in which we, no matter what our own situation, have to be strong for those we love.


I remember this outlandish conversation I had, even 30 years later, in Kindergarten. My friend: I’m in Class B, we are the Best. Me : I’m in Class A. We are fast because A is for Aeroplane !! Yes, I know. My logic is outstanding! Today, I wonder why I never thought of A is for Amazing ? Hmmm ……

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How to Skip Workouts

The cruelest joke by God or evolution, on women is that in SPITE of running haggard from morning to night we Do NOT lose an ounce of weight. We cater to the family, run to and fro, stand uncomfortably while the kids have parties and classes. We pick up the millions of toys off the floor. We run up and…

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Be Nice

Scene at book store, at cash register. Little 4 :  “I want this. ” Me : ” No. We are almost done. “Little 4 naturally gets upset. Result, when an older boy ahead in line smiles at him, he feels angrier still and turns away, arms folded. Me : “That’s not nice. You should be nice. You can just say…

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Me Time

Once you are a married and specially a parent, a new phrase goes on your wish list. The ever elusive and much desired, ” Me Time.” No, I’m not talking about the deliciously exhilarating but exhausting little vacation you call getting your chores done without your kids. That’s NOT me time, though it may feel like it. I’m also not…

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