Superheroes don’t wear Glasses

My five year old got a recommendation by the pediatrician to get his eyes checked. My husband has astigmatism, I have glasses too so we were pretty sure this day would probably come. But I wasn’t prepared for it to come so soon or what happened.

We went to the Eye place and my nervous son sat on my lap squinting, squirming to look at the farm house in the machine, all the while complaining that his chin and head hurt from holding it in place. Then the doctor took him in and on and on the test went as he meekly called out the letters and confirmed or denied which lens he preferred.

Needless to say, he needs glasses. Like yesterday. I was ready for that. What I wasn’t ready was, when he said, ” So, I don’t need glasses right? ” I was dreading him making a big deal of getting glasses.

And the doctor said,” Yes, you do sweetie. And you have to wear them full time. ”

And his face fell. The corners of his mouth twitched as when one is trying not to cry and he whispered, ” But I want to stay the way I am. ”

My heart broke into a million pieces. I said, ” Your eyes need help and glasses are a way to help them see perfectly. ”

As the doctor walked out and the nurse walked in to dilate his eyes, his voice got high as he shook his head, eyes welling up, ” But no superhero wears glasses mom. ”

” Superman does, ” I responded instantly, ” he needs them to protect his identity. And you need them to give extra power to your eyes. They will make you look cooler and you can focus better too. Besides, I tell you that what you wear doesn’t make you a superhero. You have to be brave and good to become one.”

After his eyes got dilated ( he held my hand and hugged me after), we went out and tried a couple and he fell in love with black ones with red stripes and wanted them instantly and then started crying because they had to go get fixed with his prescription.

With kids there’s no in between, right ?

I got him a treat. ” Why “, he asked.

” Because you were a big boy. “, I replied.

” Yes, you will say I’m a big boy when I wear my glasses. “, he said.

” No, you are a big boy because you did all the tests with patience and bravery and understood why you need to wear your glasses. I told you, you are not a superhero for what you wear but how you behave. ”

The day will be forever imprinted in my heart but I feel sad for I know that as he grows no matter how badly he wants to stay the way he is, situations will keep arising that force him to adapt. I only hope he can remain brave and understanding through it all. Sure, superheroes don’t usually wear glasses, but he will always be a superhero in my books !

About Aditi Wardhan Singh

I'm a mom living in Virginia, enjoying chronicling my various escapes with the kids and around the kitchen. I believe being a mom involves a balance of holding on and letting go. And since being a mom is a 24/7 job, cooking though essential, needs to be as easy as can be. So peruse my blog for various experiences in parenting and experiments in cooking.
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7 thoughts on “Superheroes don’t wear Glasses

  1. I could well understand your mom feelings, Aditi. The same I heard from my son when he had his glasses at the age of 6. Yes, they have to accept that superheroes are popular because of their super deeds and for their super looks. Happy that our kids could understand their situation and give full cooperation to us. Hope his power stay constant and may he be blessed with good vision always.

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