On his return from out of town, husband kept pondering of some drastic change that had occurred in our three and half year old son. We could come up with no answer till the moment the bulb above my head lit up with the memory of last weekend, ie 13th July when we had come home from a picnic and…
Author: Aditi Wardhan Singh
A New Reality
Change is scary. We deny it, fear it, defy it. And in the end, we accept it. Happily. The situation molds us to it’s convenience. Are we in control at all or are we strung up into the hands of time, changing with it. When I was expecting and miserable, my three year old adapted automatically. A boy who couldn’t…
She’s Here.
It’s the scariest thing in the world, when you first look at the bundle of arms and legs that they hand you. Is everything okay? Is everything where it should be and is it working? As I lay paralyzed from the chest down, I counted my breaths till I heard her cry. The tears rolled down when that sweet voice…
Pink or Blue …
Since I can remember, I always wanted a girl. I was an only daughter for 10 years. I loved being a girl. Flowing dresses, dolls, bonding with mummy, being pampered, dancing with flair, jewelry and everything girlie. And then I had a brother, who in my eyes is more my kiddo than bro so I pretty much wanted the same…
Potty Training at 25
Of course, it’s not 25 years but months! Like most first time mothers I waited for my little one to show signs of being ready according to online checklists. Finally I just got tired waiting. Also, ( I admit sheepishly ) my son’s playschool required him to be in training diapers by the time he started school. So the procrastination…
Clutter – the Daily Battle
” Don’t throw that out. You never know when you may need it. ” Is that the voice of my conscience being thrifty or my mother being from a generation that well, kept everything ? I grew up on a house where everything should be either saved, recycled or stored away. It wasn’t hoarding exactly (as some would argue) but…
Stuffed Boat Recipe
Stuffed peppers are a staple in our household. There is so much you can do with them. Make a meal of them or a side dish with a main course. I personally love these potato/cheese filled ones as they can be had as appetizer, main dish or as a side with a main course and they go with practically everything.…
Lootera, Ranjhanaa, Oz, The Vow
Highlight of the past week has been that I’m in a romantic movies mode. It peaked with Lootera then came a deep LOW with Raanjhana, also saw Oz in the middle but then special effects are just for the ” wow ” factor and then came a nice little pondering with the Vow. Below are the romantic notions the movies…
Love at the Movies
Wow! Look at that view of mountains. Only movies can have such grand panoramic views. The tiny detail of the way the actor walked in room is astounding. This guy can act. He’s going to be a superstar soon. Their chemistry in this scene is to over the moon. A little too intense for me but it’s everything I had…
Fountain of Youth
Statues lay beholden Still and relentless Embellished in rainbows Flowing waters ankle deep A solace from humid monotony Jolts of cool sprays marvel Mock protests ensue Beings glide, kicking, flicking Splashing, laughing Life pauses in these drops Glistening on the skin The sun thunders in vain Children play Gods Untarnished, untiring Squeals garnish the dull roar The moon will rise…