Satin Doll

Though the note at the back of the book is kind of misleading in a ‘ detour sign that fools you ‘ kind of way , Lillian Lewis from Booklist says ” A marvelous tale about not letting the past define one’s future. “

That I totally agree with. The story inspite of certain preconcieved notions of my own turned out to be surprisingly fresh. Though by the end, my expecatations had me wanting more. I guess that’s each one to his own because when I can’t imagine making the choices of the protogonist, I tend to end up feeling the end to be anti climactic.

The writing is amazingly grasping and each turn brings about a surprise. Phrases and words have been used repetetively though which is quite noticeble but all in all a pleasant if not satisfying read about a woman who lives life on her own terms inspite of all that stands between her and her future.

About Aditi Wardhan Singh

I'm a mom living in Virginia, enjoying chronicling my various escapes with the kids and around the kitchen. I believe being a mom involves a balance of holding on and letting go. And since being a mom is a 24/7 job, cooking though essential, needs to be as easy as can be. So peruse my blog for various experiences in parenting and experiments in cooking.
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