Choice to Mate

Having a kid changes you in ways you don’t even expect. I used to think I was very liberal , even with the concept of same sex relationships. Then I had a kid and reconsidered the ramifications of what it actually means.

I didn’t find it okay to believe that sexual orientation is biological. The concept of reproduction defines the kind of marriage that humans are hard wired to have. Logically, it’s got to be just a choice, unless of course one isn’t in the right body. Which would be just cruel but sexual orientation definitely has to be a decision one makes. And is half the problem of today’s world. Too many choices.


Then recently, I came across this picture. And it was like a light shone onto me. I have friends and friends of friends who are miserable and dejected with their worse halves making life a living hell. Each day is a fight, holding back tears, trying to breathe happiness. These so called humans they are married to, accepted by society don’t think twice about hurting, manipulating, putting down the very people who are giving their life committed to make a family for them.

And it dawned on me. So what even if it is a decision. It is a choice. Every single moment is a choice. To try to make another happy is not very hard. To just accept, appreciate and love someone takes work but it’s not hard work. To be a human, to not hurt another person, to not lie, to not threaten, to not hit, to not cheat, to not rape, to not kill, to not be a horrid human being is not hard at all. But people still choose to do all the above, breaking people’s hearts and souls.

So what if there are two people, not boy, not girl, just people who make each other happy and make a better world with their love and create a beautiful family for themselves. There cannot possibly be anything wrong with that. Nothing at all.

About Aditi Wardhan Singh

I'm a mom living in Virginia, enjoying chronicling my various escapes with the kids and around the kitchen. I believe being a mom involves a balance of holding on and letting go. And since being a mom is a 24/7 job, cooking though essential, needs to be as easy as can be. So peruse my blog for various experiences in parenting and experiments in cooking.
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3 thoughts on “Choice to Mate

  1. hey adisha!

    good to visit u after a long time. how have u been? very nice post… ya i have a few friends myself who are gay and they are happy together but I have seen how much of embarrassment they have to face in their everyday routine. the society gotta grow up fast!

  2. Absolutely true! I hope that change in mindset comes soon in the society. Homosexuality is looked upon as a disease by most of us or a disoriented state of mind and not a matter of choice.
    And ‘choice’ sadly is not encouraged in our society. We ‘have’ to get married and stay in it even if we’re dying in it each day. We ‘have’ to stay in a job even if it is taking a toll on us. We ‘have’ to produce kids because “that is how it is”.

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