Aditi Wardhan Singh How to Deal With Failure Positively

How to Positively Handle Grief From Failure

It is inevitable. Failure. Rejection. Dread. You will face them, often and consistently. Specially if you are a freelance writer or small business owner. More so when you are an entrepreneur with hopes tied into those small milestones that help achieve that final goal that tells you, you are a success! When I started writing, it took me 60+ rejections…

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11 Mindful Ways To Budget Screen Time

Humans are curious beings. We are constantly check our phones to see if that red light has popped up or if some new headline is trending or if something path breaking happened in the past few minutes when we didn’t look. Also, we are greedy in nature. Every moment that seems awe inspiring or cute just has to be captured…

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7 Ways to Combat Mompreneur Anxiety

The one thing my husband has insisted on since the day we came to USA is for me to work on learning to take a break. My cleaning the whole house relentlessly for a whole day after a 23 hour long flight might have given him some reason to worry about my single mindedness when it came to achieving a…

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