Small or Tall, WE Sparkle After ALl

Writing a BIPOC Children’s Book

Writing a children’s book is more about thinking about what children today need than what you want to write. Even if you have a brilliant idea, you want to be addressing issues in your story and style of writing that display the diverseness of the world and your personal cultural experiences. REPRESENTING CHARACTERS Don’t just have your characters be people…

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How Writing Helps Heal Your Past Hurt

I have a lot of regrets. Oh. No regrets akin to skeletons buried in the backyard. A couple in a closet, maybe! These are the kind of silly things that I obsess over every few months. Things from my past that I have no control over anymore. Events that I wonder today were even real in any sense. The intentions…

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Valuing Your Time as a Mompreneur

It’s human nature. We don’t value things till they are too little or gone. And one of the most undervalued things is time. When you are a creative person whose trying to juggle kids, family and home; it is paramount that we put assess every single minute and use it to our biggest advantage. As people, it is very easy…

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My Secret To Writing With Two Kids

“How do you manage your writing schedule with your kids around?” This is something I am asked often. If you are a parent who is at home full time and following a passion, this is something I’m sure you struggle with. Specially, if you are in the beginning stages of exploring your creative facets. But first some back ground on…

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Aditi Wardhan Singh How to Deal With Failure Positively

How to Positively Handle Grief From Failure

It is inevitable. Failure. Rejection. Dread. You will face them, often and consistently. Specially if you are a freelance writer or small business owner. More so when you are an entrepreneur with hopes tied into those small milestones that help achieve that final goal that tells you, you are a success! When I started writing, it took me 60+ rejections…

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11 Mindful Ways To Budget Screen Time

Humans are curious beings. We are constantly check our phones to see if that red light has popped up or if some new headline is trending or if something path breaking happened in the past few minutes when we didn’t look. Also, we are greedy in nature. Every moment that seems awe inspiring or cute just has to be captured…

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