In your twenties you are fearless, invincible even. No decision, no matter how foolhardy is dangerous. Once you have a child though, everything changes. Every little thing has the potential to cause serious damage and every decision you make holds the weight of the world as you know it affects the future of the one who you love more than…
Author: Aditi Wardhan Singh
Who are you?
I didn’t get it at first. I was cleaning my daughter’s nose with saline solution. My son came, gazed intently at his sister and mumbled, ” Who are you? ” I was too busy trying to do what I was doing without further traumatizing a wailing child. After I was done, my son came and put a hand on my…
As they dragged his friend away, Each hurried, whispered word scratched itself onto parchment of his thoughts. He had assumed they were only three in the room that day. His dying ally had apparently not wanted to add to their already bloody hands. But now with the trial upon him and a few days to live he didn’t want to…
Survey Beta version.
Remember when we had these tagging posts where we each had a bunch of questions to answer and then named a few others to pass on the baton to? I found this survey on Pinterest and found it a good perspective check. You ask your child these questions. I was honestly scared to ask but then the answers left me…
2014 Synopsis.
First things first, wishing everyone who reads this a Happy New Year!! Hoping you have a year full of fulfilled dreams and unexpected pleasant surprises. Lots of prosperity and laughable moments. Now onto me. Last year was, chaotic to say the least. I had a little one to add onto my brood and with two little ones life sure is…
Feigned Anger
The lower lip juts out, arms crossed and eyes accusing. ” Mama, I’m sad. ” ” What happened baby ?” “You don’t feed me. You don’t watch me. You don’t listen me. You don’t play me. You don’t cook me. You don’t fight me and daddy .” My heart falls. We’re about to go to bed. I go over…
Okay! I’m sorry but those so worried about conserving water. 1. There’s something called water cycle. So that water will soon become rain water. 2.Its for charity. No one saving that one bucket of water is going to be sending that water to Africa. More water get wasted in water parks, pools, while brushing, by spilling etc. 3. It’s a…
Celebrating Childhood.
Janamashtami Poem Translation. Miracle of Birth, Brought up by unknown mother, Naughtiness Innocence, Won over the love of one and all. Troubling mama, Then loving with words, Scaring her with antics, Reaching heights in childhood. Lifting Govardhan mountain easily, Dancing on the head of Kaliya the snake, Always treating troubles as a game, Defeating even demons with a smile. Teasing…
Yesteryears’ Rakhi
One day after school, ten pampered years after My birth my mom asked me how I would like to have a sibling? I believe her exact words were ” Would you like ma to get a baby for you ? ” I think my response was quite positive for she cheerily went on to announce that we will in fact…
The pillows
Each of us dreams of having that space which is totally our own, that meets our every need and is unique to our taste. With that in mind, I added a few little decorative pillows to our living room. I imagined this little nook where anyone would feel cozy enough to unwind. Sites were browsed, a color pallet was chosen…