How To Protect Your Children From Predators

I am neurotic about predators. When my kids started preschool and when they go to out for activities to the park or for classes, I’m constantly on the look out to protect them. To look for people who may not be “safe” or are  “over friendly”. This is not just a fear thanks to the vivid, disturbing news we are…

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Coriander Chutney

Coriander Mint Chutney is a staple in Indian households. It’s extremely versatile and can even be used in marinades like here.   Recipe : Take a bunch or two of coriander. Take half the amount of mint. One tomato to create a thick consistency. Green chilies,  whole cumin(to preserve color), two three cloves of garlic, salt and lemon to taste.…

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Hara Bhara Chicken

This has got to be the easiest things you can do with chicken. If you don’t have coriander chutney, you will find the recipe here. Recipe: Marinate chicken drumsticks with coriander chutney and pepper to taste for 30 mins. Shallow fry to a yummy crisp. Add a dash of lime and relish. Tip : You can grind some spinach into…

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Spinach Pulao

Spinach pulao is my go to when I want to make sure kids get a good dose of green leaves. It takes 15 mins to prep and then the pressure cooker does all the work. I had this for the first time when we were visiting lovely friends in Chicago and it’s been one of those dishes that takes me…

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Vegetable Cutlets

Vegetable cutlets. Super success since the kids enjoyed them so much. They turn out much better when deep fried but since we are trying to cut calories I shallow fried them. These remind me of traveling in trains in India where the canteen serves two veggie cutlets with bread and a sachet each of butter and ketchup for breakfast during…

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Plan an Olympic themed Picnic

I put together an End of Summer – Picnic for my neighborhood last week. We had a potluck for the snack foods and I organized  an itinerary of games for all the families. At the end, I gave out silver and gold medals made out of chocolate  (Twix and Musketeers) for the families and they were a huge hit! The…

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Celebrating Janmashtami Festival

” Do we get a gift for Janmashtami ? “ In an age of goody bags and candy treats, it’s hard to explain to children a festival that doesn’t traditionally involve presents. Prep : This year we start a couple of days early. Story telling, you tube video watching. I tell him the story of the birth of Krishna. How…

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Wistful Hands

Two hands touching. One hand bigger than the other. To Guide. Hold on when the other falters. Caress to show it cares. Twirl when the rhythm allows. Slap away in frustration. Tickle for a giggle. When we were small, I would align our hands together and say,” See, how big my hand is than yours ?” He laughed as his eyes…

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