The Crush

Since I read ” Breath of a Scandal “, I’ve become a fan of Sandra Brown. She always guarantees me a decent read no matter what the story. These days, as I plow through books, I often find myself dissappointed or just plain bored after the first few pages. Or I end up having a headache with some of the…

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In Vino Veritas Contest

There’s this contest taking place at Clarity of Night . Below is the story I submitted for it. Ironical part of my experience was I ended up writing 3 stories and then went stark MAD thinking which one should be sent. My hubby had a good laugh at the predicament I put myself into. Well, eventually I picked one yet…

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Go ahead : Try It !!

OK ! I’ve never claimed to be athletic. Far from it. The only times I’ve come close to sports is PT in school, some light throw ball, and badminton, but that was all back when I used to believe throwing around a shuttlecock was fun . Now don’t go imagining one of those girly girls who is never willing to…

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Sundays at Tiffany’s

An Ok read. The story is about this girl who has an imaginary friend and grows up to find that he’s her one true love. The concept is unique and handled well, from two different points of view. Though I feel there is a Lot more that could have been done with the story. At the end you are left…

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Walking the Fine Line

Every day we make decisions. Every action is associated with an expectation. We make educated guesses for the best action. How to behave in a given situation, how another will react to our words, how a relationship will grow or change, how close we want to be to someone, how much distance we want to keep with others, how to…

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On Mystic Lake

This book is a pleasure to read from page 1. Hannah uses lovely play of words to describe things and even the dialogues, feelings of people is very down to earth and Real. Thoroughly enjoyed the every page. It’s the story of a woman, who after years of being a wife, and mother finds herself alone again, finding her way…

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Thrill Rides ??! No, Thank you.

I love Amusement parks. The melee, the sounds, the cotton candy, the long lines, the colorful rides with the equally colorful people, the soft toys, the stalls, the silly games, the smells, the speed of the rides, looking at the reactions of the others as they go on, go through and come out of each ride, imagining how each ride…

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“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.” I saw Valkyrie a few days back and I am still reeling, with a million thoughts running through my head. I Oscillate between awe for courage, intelligence, dedication to the cause and sadness,…

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For One More Day

Just finished this today. An easy read about the life and times on a man, whose given one more day with the one person who cared for him the most. The person he took for granted every step of the way. It’s a good book, with a lot of insights into our day to day lives and how we do…

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Happy Fathers Day !!!

Fathers, the unsung heroes Standing by the sidelinesGuiding those in the game of lifeTo work hard, toe the line and play hardProviding for their family without questionThinking ahead of time for all that is indispensableLaughter, kind words, silent looks, gruff scoldingsLove untold behind every action and wordWith eyes on twinkling stars in our futuresProuder of our accomplishments than we areHappy…

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