Small Town Odds

I picked this book up on a whim and what a whim it was. It’s incredible how some books can teach you a lot about life without actually preaching about anything. As I stayed up late night and today morning finishing this book, I was continuously amazed by the subtle nuances of life shown and the humor portrayed in the simplest of scenes.
The actual story is not about much except what it says on the jacket. But still the story of a man whose continously haunted by his mistakes and how he copes with his day to day frustrations is one that’ll have you swimming in contemplation. Cheers to Jason Headley for an amazing start in writing !! Looking forward to more from him soon.

About Aditi Wardhan Singh

I'm a mom living in Virginia, enjoying chronicling my various escapes with the kids and around the kitchen. I believe being a mom involves a balance of holding on and letting go. And since being a mom is a 24/7 job, cooking though essential, needs to be as easy as can be. So peruse my blog for various experiences in parenting and experiments in cooking.
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