My Sister’s Keeper

An Amazing book. The story about a girl wanting to live her life on her own terms , is totally moving but this is not a story just about the girl. It’s a journey of self discovery made by each character and even by the reader. Many of the times, we don’t see what’s right in front of us, or end up taking someone we love for granted or we just don’t listen to what’s being said to us. These are just a few of the lessons I learnt. You might learn something else. This is a book one must Not miss !!

About Aditi Wardhan Singh

I'm a mom living in Virginia, enjoying chronicling my various escapes with the kids and around the kitchen. I believe being a mom involves a balance of holding on and letting go. And since being a mom is a 24/7 job, cooking though essential, needs to be as easy as can be. So peruse my blog for various experiences in parenting and experiments in cooking.
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