What to Post on Social Media While Book is in Production

I was running a writers workshop for aspiring book authors and one asked, “My book is in the illustration phase. What do I post meanwhile? I don’t even have a cover yet? “

This took me to the ONE thing we all need to remember as authors. It’s never too early to promote your book across social media.

So, what do you tell your followers? How do you build more?

Here are some ideas for you to build on — —

Make a few graphics

Make some tips / quote graphics around your topic. The person in question told me their story. It was related to teaching kids organization, social skills, and friendship. Great topics to make some graphics in your book style / font / colors on.

Opinions galore

Ask questions relating to your book that will create a discussion.

Make a poll around book title, book characters, book names or more.Have illustrations? Ask which version of the illustration they like best!

Followers love feeling like they are a part of your book in some way.

Show them behind-the-scenes

What does your writing process look like? Share a sentence you are stuck on. Show people a couple of sketches you may have.

Thank others

Who has contributed to your success in the writing journey? Supported you. Promoted you. Inspired you. Whether personal or professional, thank others for their support!.

Share others’ work

Give shout outs to fellow authors you admire, in stories or Lives. Not only will this help your colleagues, your audience will appreciate discovering other books they’d enjoy. Plus, other authors may support you back, exposing you to new audiences!


Game memes are fun to do with your followers. Guessing games, fill-in-the-blanks, trivia, and more!


You can also partner with other organizations or influence to host giveaways.

Take a few selfies and share about your life

I know I know. You are an introvert and don’t want to share about your life. Try these ideas for a post.

What book had a major impact on you growing up?
Why are you writing the book you are writing?
What are some resources that helped you on your journey?
How are you balancing life and writing?
How are things different for the kind of author you are and more …

Bottom line is to use your creative side to build a rapport with those who love you already, build a relationship and find new followers.

Email above contact@raisingworldchildren.com get graphic templates to use for book production/marketing done for you, straight to your inbox. You can connect with me to set up a consult about social media marketing, editing or self publishing a children’s book or non fiction book 

If you feel that my efforts are of value, feel free to buy me a coffee. 🙂 Helps me maintain this website and encourages me to keep writing more content. Do leave any follow up questions in the comment section there.

About Aditi Wardhan Singh

I'm a mom living in Virginia, enjoying chronicling my various escapes with the kids and around the kitchen. I believe being a mom involves a balance of holding on and letting go. And since being a mom is a 24/7 job, cooking though essential, needs to be as easy as can be. So peruse my blog for various experiences in parenting and experiments in cooking.
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