Hi! I am Aditi Wardhan Singh – Freelance Writer focusing on positive parenting with a specialization in cultural sensitivity. My mission is to help you to find the silver lining in every single day that you live. I share my experiences to help other parents struggling to balance their heritage with today’s cultures and parenting. With that in mind, I founded Raising World Children Magazine.
At Raising World Children, I am bringing high quality content by talented writers around the world. We provide a diverse global perspective to open minded parents to empower their children to grow to be gracious, positive global thought leaders.
Who is Aditi Wardhan Singh?
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I am an Indian brought up in Kuwait and now making a life in USA with my family. I work for my home, taking care of my two adorable kids. Writing to share this journey of parenting with others is my passion.
I am a life enthusiast and enjoy choreographing events and dance dramas. Experimenting in the kitchen and re organizing are my stress busters. I have also volunteered for the non profit organization Circle of Peace International as their social media blogger.
I am a regular contributor to Thrive Global, Huffington Post, Nbc12, Desh Videsh Magazine and Richmond Moms Blog.
Other Sites Where I Have Been Featured –
When I was young, being from a cosmopolitan background made even the simple question ” Where are you from? ” impossible to answer. “Well! My dad is from U.P, my mom is from Maharashtra (different culture following states in India). No, they didn’t have a love marriage though it doesn’t matter because I was born and brought up in Kuwait. Yes, I was there when the Gulf war happened! ” Haha.
Graduating in computer engineering required me to live on my own in an altogether different language speaking state of India. I worked in Kuwait for two years before moving to USA having married the most amazing man (who again was brought up in yet another part of India). So, now the question, where are you from is even harder to answer since my in laws side too are a pretty much global.
Years of culture shock and then I became a mother! My husband and I always wanted me to stay at home with the kids while they were young. By God’s grace and little bit of happenstance, we were able to choose to do so.

And I love being a mother, being at home with the kids doing everything with them. You will often find me taking a million pictures, mostly of my two precious kids, and delectable food even. I have stacks of books everywhere and tonnes of photos adorning my walls. All this in the time that my kids choose to allow me of course ! Most of my life reads like a pie chart that’s three quarters occupied by home, husband and raising my kids with (I hope) a healthy balance of tradition and core values. The best part of being exposed to different cultures from an early age meant I celebrate every occasion life throws at me. Organization, planning and cooking elaborate meals are my forte and having impromptu dance parties (I am a trained classical dancer fyi) with my young ones is my ultimate picker upper!
As an person living far from India and family, finding the right balance of positivism and culture on the difficult days here in USA, is my journey.
You can make any day magical by creating, learning and smiling. Even the worst day then becomes a day to be thankful for. In my case I absorb lessons from life, create when I choreograph, cook, organize or write and glow with the warmth of laughter when I am with my children. Thus the name of my blog, Mompreneur Life and Silver Linings.
I enjoy connecting with new people and am always available for advice or content creation should you need it. If you have a passion, any passion or are finding it, maybe helping you will make all my years of learning and creating that much more meaningful.
Badges of honor I’ve earned from wonderful friends & fellow bloggers :
Please feel free to ask me any questions in the comments below or Contact me.
Writing is one of the best things we can do for ourselves both mentally and physically.
Always interesting to reads one journey through life and how we end up where we do. Keep sharing.
I so feel you mommy! Keralite born n raised in Bahrain. The husband born and raised in Dubai. Our boy born in Qatar.
This quote resonates –
“So here you are now..
Too foreign for home..
Too foreign for here..
Never enough for both..”
I used this post , Thank you