Sailing to Capri

A most pathetic book that I’ve persevered through in ages. So much could have been done with the characters and story. And yet it was just Blah ! I thought at least the ending would have been imaginative, yet as the murderer was easily figured out as soon as the character is introduced. I’d stay away from this one as…

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Smoke Screen

After speaking glowingly about Brown in my earlier posts, I was bitterly dissappointed as I went through the pages in the beginning. The book is about a woman falsely ( supposedly ) accused of murdering an ex lover and how her situation bears uncanny resemblance to an incident a couple of years back. The suspect in that episode is the…

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My Sister’s Keeper

An Amazing book. The story about a girl wanting to live her life on her own terms , is totally moving but this is not a story just about the girl. It’s a journey of self discovery made by each character and even by the reader. Many of the times, we don’t see what’s right in front of us, or…

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The Crush

Since I read ” Breath of a Scandal “, I’ve become a fan of Sandra Brown. She always guarantees me a decent read no matter what the story. These days, as I plow through books, I often find myself dissappointed or just plain bored after the first few pages. Or I end up having a headache with some of the…

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Sundays at Tiffany’s

An Ok read. The story is about this girl who has an imaginary friend and grows up to find that he’s her one true love. The concept is unique and handled well, from two different points of view. Though I feel there is a Lot more that could have been done with the story. At the end you are left…

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On Mystic Lake

This book is a pleasure to read from page 1. Hannah uses lovely play of words to describe things and even the dialogues, feelings of people is very down to earth and Real. Thoroughly enjoyed the every page. It’s the story of a woman, who after years of being a wife, and mother finds herself alone again, finding her way…

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Something Blue

Just finished this book day before yesterday and what fun it had been reading it. I just loved the concept that they’ve gone down to the core of those drama queens out there who are so all about themselves. It’s not just the concept, but the whole journey which is thoroughly entertaining. The book is about a girl who is…

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Some Shopping and Light Reading

Now the proud owner of my all time favorites – The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand This book really rocked my world. The concepts described by Ayn Rand, touched within me a core and instilled within me the importance of standing by what you believe in and doing the best in every job that’s handed to you. Playing the blame game…

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Silent Witness

Silent Witness by Rebecca Forster Finished reading it today. It’s a story about actual cause of the death of a mentally challenged kid, who died in an amusement park. Was pretty slow in the beginning but what I enjoyed was the thought process of each person and their changing motives. What I did not like was how the story drags…

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I don’t get it. Before the movie, I was all hyped, after the movie, I was all hyper with agitation!! I know. I know. There will be those out there who think I’m an idiot for saying it but the truth is my negative reaction is in direct proportion to the expectations I had of it. I went online and…

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