61 Hours

I am senselessly in love with Jack Reacher. I just love his sense of honour, honesty and all that’s wrong with the world. I love the way Lee Child puts across the tale from beginning to end, keeping you tied up in each scene and dialogue. Didn’t enjoy this outing as much as the others though, as the suspense is…

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Shopaholic & Sister

The Shopaholic series is one that I love to hate. On the one hand I cannot believe anyone can be so callous and have such warped way of thinking. On the other hand, the writing is always so humorous and the story always takes a wonderful turn that makes for wonderful story telling. Here we have the Luke and Becky…

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Satin Doll

Though the note at the back of the book is kind of misleading in a ‘ detour sign that fools you ‘ kind of way , Lillian Lewis from Booklist says ” A marvelous tale about not letting the past define one’s future. “ That I totally agree with. The story inspite of certain preconcieved notions of my own turned out…

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Small Town Odds

I picked this book up on a whim and what a whim it was. It’s incredible how some books can teach you a lot about life without actually preaching about anything. As I stayed up late night and today morning finishing this book, I was continuously amazed by the subtle nuances of life shown and the humor portrayed in the…

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Dexter by Design

I’m an unbashed fan of Dexter, the showtime series. The idea of justice for those scum bags tickles me no end. Specially the fact, that Dexter : a person with every reason to be as twister as the ” monstors ” he hunts tries at Every step in life to do the right thing is very fascinating. The fact that…

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Professor and Pregnant Nanny

Read a mills and boons kind of book after AGES. And honestly, after almost a decade of break from such light reading, found it very refreshing. The story has decent content with enough cute moments thrown in to keep your attention. Loved the moments with the kids and the interaction between the two. Don’t expect too much from it but…

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Are you there Vodka ? It’s me Chelsea

I picked this book up after hearing about it on tv and reading the rave reviews about it but found it nothing but tasteless and uninteresting drivel. The humor in any situation is totally lost on me. Maybe I’m just getting too I don’t know, maybe mature ?!  for this kinda humor.


When I started the book, I didn’t have much hopes for it. Took it to be one of those run of the mill mystery books. But as I delved furthre into each page, I found myself intruiged by the mystery and thrill. Another one of Sandra Browns masterpieces. At every step, you think you know what’s happening but you are…

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The Undomestic Goddess

Sophie Kinsella has me hooked. I picked up the book yesterday evening and finished it by morning for I just couldn’t put it down. There is no great murder mystery, and you even know who the culprit is quarter way into the book. Yet, yet – the author’s colorful scenes and funny twists have you wondering what could possibly happen…

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A Reliable Wife

I picked this up just because it’s on the N.Y Best Seller list. And I still do not have much of an opinion on it. The story of a man who orders a mail order bride and a bride who had other plans is not out of the ordinary. The whole story was pretty much predictable as each person’s charachter…

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