Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

  After Harry Potter and Twilight series I believe this is another hit for the same genre. Loved the main character, specially her love for her sister. That truly had me till the end, maybe coz I could relate. The twists in the story and the peppering of characteristics of the various players in the fame thrown in make for…

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Indian Embassy, DC

Address 2536 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008 Hours of Operation  10 am to 12.30 am for submission and 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm for pick up ( pick up DATE might differ. You do NOT get most documents back the same day. ) Documents You need for a power of attorney ( till Dec 30th  2011 ). Miscellaneous form…

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Whiteout by Ken Follet

  Read this last week and after ages found a different style of writing. It’s my first Ken Follett book and I was pleasantly surprised. The descriptions of scenarios and relationships are vivid and real. You don’t feel like skipped through paragraphs to get to the real stuff.  The story’s characters, without going into extreme detail of psychology are thick.…

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Lovers and Players by Jackie Collins

A typical Jackie Collins’ book. If you’ve read one, you pretty much know what to expect in the next. That is a relief for some and a downer for others. In my case, I knew just want I felt like reading when I picked this one up. Except you still cannot guess when the next expected twist is about to…

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Knockout by Catherine Coulter

 I just read this book and I wouldn’t recommend it. The story is about a girl who sees her relatives burying bodies in the night and then tries to get help to save herself and her mother. Well, it’s more than that. There is another story intertwined in it and a big dollop of  supernatural in the same. The writing…

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Absolute Power

Okay, so I’m way behind on my reviews but I Am making a note of all the books I’m still reading so some day soon, I’ll catch up. Here’s a short one on the above. Read this one last week.  David Baldacci doesn’t fail to impress but it takes patience upto the 250th or so page to finally realize that…

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Now You See Her

I love supernatural books. But as I read this one, it felt more like a mills and boons than a mystery or supernatural book. The heroine of the book slowly ( very slowly ) divulges that she has been noticing weird things happening around her.  As she discovers what is actually happening to her she finds herself embroilled with an amazing…

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Dresden Files : White Night

Honestly, can’t comment on this book since I haven’t followed the series from the beginning. Found the characters very well defined and fun to read about. The story was sort of confusing for me since there are many situations which seemed to be based on things which might be mentioned before. Thus, the jury is out on this one ……

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The Pretend Wife

What a refreshing read!! Most of us spend our whole lives figuring out what Love and Marraige is all about. And we never know till we experiment with love and never know till we finally get married. Both can be exclusive and inclusive, depending on the individuals in question. This book brings forth questions that most of us carry around…

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About Face

If you’ve read enough mystery novels, I guess around time every story  becomes predictable. This one is no exception. From the first few pages, you know what the protagonist has been through and will be going through next. The writing is what surprised me the most. The grammatical and structural errors had me shocked as to how the book finally…

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