Keep Moving, Keep Smiling .

What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Everything is ok, in the end ; if it’s not ok, it’s not the end. To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are. Loving yourself is the beginning of a life long romance. Instead of thinking about what you’re missing, try thinking about what you have that…

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To Be or Not to be a Good Host …

I went to a party today and the time I spent there could be described as awkward at best which drove me to the thought that conducting a fun party among people at my age is a real work of art. What I observed was firstly, people are too preoccupied with their day to day lives. Secondly, these days with…

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Marathi Manoos Vs Indian at Heart !

OMG ! I’m laughing out loud. After being told by my husband of the latest Jaya Bachchan / Raj Thackarey Anti – Marathi Issue a few days back, today I made the time to go and read up on the details as reported by the various sources on the net. I started snickering with the first lines and by the…

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Haphazard thoughts of a Restless Soul.

Once when I was really young, my aunt( mom’s sister) taught me that the best way to understand another is to put yourself in their place, keeping in mind all that you know about THEM and then judging their actions. Then things don’t seem so surprising. I imbibed that lesson into my circuit and found it extremely useful in being…

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Your Best Smiles .

Read this today : Share your best smiles for your family, don’t save them for your clients, colleagues, friends, strangers on the street. Get your priorities straight. It’s those smiles that keep your family together and help the love grow. Brought me to Google and get the rest of this – A friendly look, a kindly smile, one good act,…

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Total Support Vs Self Confidence. ?!

I’ve been wondering recently about dedications one gives to others. I’ve come to the conclusion that self confidence is highly supplemented by the faith of another in this world in your talents. Appreciating whatever one stands for plays a major role in boosting one’s morale driving them to become a better version of themselves. That is why, when successful in…

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Talk Things Out …

Have you ever wanted to go back in time and find out what went wrong between you and someone you were close to? Meet someone and talk to them about why it is that you guys are so apart when once you were joined at the hip? Fill in the holes and figure out all that still stumps you when…

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Houses of Wood – Squeak On .

It was a surprise to me when I came to the US and discovered the buildings are mostly made of wood. I was fascinated to learn that wood being in abundance in the long gone years, it made more sense to use readily available raw material than grapple with bricks and stone. Thus it’s cheaper and easier to use wood…

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People should want to know …

People who know that they know,People who know that they don’t know,People who don’t know that they know,People who don’t know that they don’t know . My husband, a fellow philosopher had once shared this tidbit with me. Further explained it unfolds to the fact that the world is made up of four types of people. People who know that…

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