Wishing all the people out there to whom I connect through my blogs a Very Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year ! Well, the day we look forward to most of the year is here. And surprise surprise ! It came with snow today. Came early this year and added a touch of magic to the festivities … It’s…
Author: Aditi Wardhan Singh
Injustice – Yet Unheard & Unseen !!
Hi All , Have you Ever wanted to make a change ? Matter to the world? Make a change ? Want to do something different for India, instead of just standing by and Talking about what could be different? Well, here’s your chance to make a difference in the life of another…. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Milind…
Raymond’s Best Man Speech. < snip, snip >
I love Everybody Loves Raymond. Saw an episode ” Robert & Amy’s Wedding ” where everything in Robert’s ( ie. Raymond’s elder brother) wedding is going wrong and all the people involved are miserable. Eventually, the most beautiful day of the wedded couple’s lives turns into a comedy of errors. At which point, Raymond has to give his best man’s…
Freedom Writers, Darwin’s Theory n Dussehra !
Touching on three different topics today. Will try to keep it short – Freedom Writers – I saw the movie : Freedom Writers yesterday. One of those movies that get you to actually Think. You actually feel for those innumerable kids out there who just don’t know right from wrong anymore. If only all teachers today felt that passionately about…
A tryst with the Old Dude …
The other day in the mall. we decided to have lunch. Picking up our trays we walked over the a table already occupied by an elderly gentlemen. He got to talking to us about our food habits as Hindu Indians and till the next hour regaled us with anecdotes from his past, sharing with us life’s many lessons. He talked,…
More than a particle …
I really wish life came with an itinerary. A list of all the places we’ll be at, in our lives. 10 years back I would never have imagined that I would be where I am today, physically and mentally. So much has changed, and will keep changing. And now, I wonder where I’ll be next … How many times a…
Times A changing …
It’s that time of year again ! The air is turning cooler, the days are turning darker earlier and the festivals are creeping in. Eid has just gone by. Navratri and Halloween are up next bringing up Diwali and Thanksgiving and then Christmas. It’s almost time for the lights to go up and the dancing will soon begin. In today’s…
Politics – A fresh start !
Not one to have ever taken interest in news, let alone politics, I find myself taking an active interest in both of late. With the elections coming up and the many calamities recently, I find the air charged with an unnatural intensity. You know, the kind where you feel something is going to happen?! I find myself apprehensive, specially with…
Magic – is it real ??
Someone recently commented that I seemed like I believed in Magic. Not sure how they got that impression but then I got to thinking. Do I believe in magic ? What is magic after all ? I think in theory it’s basically anything related to the supernatural. But whose to say what the supernatural really is or to what extent…
Strings ???!!!! No thankyou …
Why are relations made so complicated, tangled up in expectations, formalities and mind games? Any friendship should be bound by heart, enriching your life in every way! Loaded with wonderful moments, sprinkled with laughter, with a lavish frosting of well meaning words of advice and lively, feel good conversations. Is a relationship that makes you uncomfortable or is really hard…