I was watching the reality show ” Dancing Queen ” the other day and was apalled at the statements / arguments being made by the contestents. What has happened to people these days? It’s such a sad state of events when people have no control on their tongues on a show being watched by people of all ages. I was…
Author: Aditi Wardhan Singh
I don’t get it. Before the movie, I was all hyped, after the movie, I was all hyper with agitation!! I know. I know. There will be those out there who think I’m an idiot for saying it but the truth is my negative reaction is in direct proportion to the expectations I had of it. I went online and…
Goodbye 2008
So, this is my last post for this year and what a year it’s been. What better way to conclude than to summarize the past year. Most of my thoughts can be found penned here in bloggerville, but here’s to what else made 2008 specially memorable. Lessons Learned. It’s hard for elders to enjoy any place if it’s out of…
Will Smith – Admiration for Attitude
The man does incredible movies. No movie of his goes without appreciation for his acting skills. Sure I am Legend and Hancock could have had anticlimactic endings, but hey ! Writing is not his forte, yet ! ;)Sure, he’s incredible good looking but I for one, am a fan of the person. Every interview of his, every word that passes…
I Didn’t Mean That !!!
As I said before, I’m coming forward with a kind of synopsis of the Book ” I Didn’t Mean That ” in my own words. The book’s heading reads ” How to Avoid Misunderstandings & Hurt Feelings in Everyday Life.” And that’s what it’s all about. Those few moments which leave you with misguided consequences. This book with quite a…
Pick up a Shoe !!
I wonder what was going through the mind of the Iraqi who threw the shoe at Bush?! Venting out his frustration in lieu of the many who are silent in the face of what’s happening in their nation, I pressumed. I can only venture a guess for he certainly isn’t standing by his point by putting forward an apology. Albeit…
Unblocked , somewhat …
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. I wonder why that is. Not from lack of desire. But there’s just too much going in rather than coming out. I sat many days open to my screen looking at it blankly hoping One thing pops up. I calculated the other day and I’ve read an almost a 100 books…
Second Chances : Stand 4 Urself !?
I thought to put in a few more words elaborating my thoughts about second chances … Giving second chances itself is very tricky for most of us confuse second chances and end up getting taken for granted, which is dangerous. Second chances should be given Only when you are convinced things will be different the second time round. Or if…
D Best can make the Worst & Vice Versa …
It’s a special day for a close friend of mine. She has many reasons to celebrate this day. And I wish her nothing but the Best in life. Many joys, tears of happiness, silver linings to every cloud and moments that turn into cherished memories… But it wasn’t always like this. We met, grew really close and due to unforeseen…
Question on Missing Persons ??
I brought this up with a few friends the other day and thought it worth bringing up here in bloggerville. In the US, I’ve seen in movies and on news that once children or anyone goes missing, it’s assumed that the child / person may be found fastest among the first 24 hours and then the chances keep getting slimmer.…