Well, yeah, it was by chance ( Hemanth – > Anwesa ) that I came across this tag. And since I just Love filling in such questionnaires, went to town on it !! If you have the patience to go through it, Kudos to you !! Might give you more of an insight into me :)) Might !!!!!! These days…
Author: Aditi Wardhan Singh
Day Dreams of Tomorrow
I’m excited today. Actually since yesterday evening. I’m jabbering away, smiling gleefully at nothing and everything. I’ve become the sole source amusement of my hubby who looks at me now, as anyone humoring silliness does.I don’t know what it was yesterday but today it’s a little about the coming months ahead. Isn’t it funny how some days we revel in…
Happy Mother’s Day 2009 !!!
I truly believe in Angels, for how else can one explain the existence of Mothers, our Forever There Angels !!! Today, a day I remember to say that what I sometimes forget the other days – I love you Ma! To All Mothers I know U Make the World a Beautiful place to be. The values, love, prayers, hope, support,…
Style Mantra
Some days I wish I was more like someone else. That girl on the street who looks chic in a dress, that lady who looks like a million bucks with two kids in tow, that actress on television whose haircut I just love. Some days I wish I was more fashion conscious and knew exactly which shoe goes with which…
Love – Ramblings !!!
Left a comment on Dame’s post recently. It was a humorous take on the different kinds of love a boy and girl would share. In the comment I said ” Love is just another emotion “. And I once again got to thinking about how love is so over rated. Poor Love ! So many expectations from so small a…
Asha’s Tag – Memoirs
Asha has very kindly tagged me and well though I’ve already done something similar in my about me post, I thought why not do it in a different way. One might say it’s a little narcissistic but hey! it’s fun to reminisce so here I’m gonna put down a few anecdotes and since it was my anniversary yesterday, a few…
Peace after …
I’m into murder mysteries. Yeah, sure it’s kinda morbid but hey ! to each his own. I love the deductions, the dark humor in some, the mystery, the motives, the depths of human emotions – love, hatred, jealousy, envy etc etc and even a bit of the ghoulishness. One such show I catch on and off is Cold Case .…
Vanishing Memories …
Another realization : I can’t stay away from writing. A thought has been haunting me these days. The past – these days feels like it’s an elusive butterfly that I try to keep catching. My stay at my parents’ place has become a distant memory all too soon. That’s taken me as a total shock. And another thing, I’ve had…
C u l8r , Alligator !!
For those few that read my humble blog , I’m off back to hubby dearest !!! Am excited, nervous and trepid with anticipation about my trip back , being with hubby again 😀 And setting up my new pad ! I’ve been with my parents past 3 months, my birth place so to speak and have enjoyed it a lot.…
Wait for it !
You have a problem that you cannot solve. Confusion, hurt, pain, suffering all twist within you as you search in vain for a solution that’d give you peace. You ponder often, swaying between pros and cons, rights and wrongs, doing what feels right and doing what is thought by others to be right. You talk about it to your friends,…