Jogging Thoughts

I love a story that makes me think, that i can relate to, that has me wondering about my life and the people in it. This weekend I came across three such stories. I read Firefly Lane and watched the movies Runaway Bride and Love Aaj Kal. These are some of the random thoughts that flew through my head as…

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Firefly Lane

After ages, here is a book that I picked up and couldn’t put down. Well, only when I absolutely have it. The theme is simple, friendship but the story is Incredible. About two girls and their growth into woman hood and the paths down which their choices lead them. Kristen Hannah has surpassed herself with this one. The characters, the…

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Sailing to Capri

A most pathetic book that I’ve persevered through in ages. So much could have been done with the characters and story. And yet it was just Blah ! I thought at least the ending would have been imaginative, yet as the murderer was easily figured out as soon as the character is introduced. I’d stay away from this one as…

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It Feels Right !

How Does one decide things? You get up in the morning, open your cupboard and think ” Hmm ! This is what I’ll wear today. ” A look is chosen. You go shopping, search for something for days, months even and then see something that seems perfect in your budget and think ” That’s what I want. ” A thing…

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Smoke Screen

After speaking glowingly about Brown in my earlier posts, I was bitterly dissappointed as I went through the pages in the beginning. The book is about a woman falsely ( supposedly ) accused of murdering an ex lover and how her situation bears uncanny resemblance to an incident a couple of years back. The suspect in that episode is the…

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Sprinkled around !

You pass through life, touching others. Some just brush past you and others’ leave behind parts of themselves that mold into you … in the form of memories, habits or an epiphany. These are the people you love being with, consider Friends. They help you grow, they laugh with you, they make you feel good for being you, accepting you…

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My Sister’s Keeper

An Amazing book. The story about a girl wanting to live her life on her own terms , is totally moving but this is not a story just about the girl. It’s a journey of self discovery made by each character and even by the reader. Many of the times, we don’t see what’s right in front of us, or…

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Thoughts in A Day

** We were passing a cross-section. As we approached the signal, I saw a man standing with a piece of cardboard held high above his head. As we got closer I read the markings to read, ” God is Great !!! Willing to lease self for work. ” Begging is not new to me nor are solicitors. But that a…

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Counting my Blessings

Ok !! Enough of the rona dhona … I’m myself Bored of my mood and all that comes with it, so what better way to distract myself than write about some of the happiest moments in my life !!! Here goes … * When my brother was born. 10 years younger than me, he’s my first baby ( Don’t tell…

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Random Rants

I’m in the dumps. Not literally !! Need a change, don’t know what. Maybe I just need to help myself. I feel like something’s missing even though I know I’m perfectly happy. Is that even possible ? The other day i was watching Nat Geo and this scientist was talking about Sting Ray. For those who don’t know it’s a…

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