Remember Me?

Like every other book by her, Sophie Kinsella doesn’t dissappoint in this one either. Charming, amusing and emotional in just the right dose, this book makes for the ideal read on those days when you feel you need a break from the world. At times you even find yourself identifying with the protagonist and her feelings. The best part of…

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The Last Noel

I finished this in 4 hours flat. Made for a light read. Nothing spectaculor but nothing boring either. Just a book, that’s easy on the eyes and mind and yet, keeps you entertained in it’s own way. The story is pretty predictable like a Mills and Boons, yet it has some wonderful points thrown in about relations and how people…

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My India Trip

Back from my trip. Finally all done settling in and pretty much back to schedule. My India trip. Wow !! Can’t really believe I did all that I actually did. Any vacation, though can’t really call this trip a vacation, becomes a dream the moment you leave your vacation spot. Makes me wonder if it was worth it all. A…

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Back from Hiatus

Have been tagged and awarded by Shruti. Have to list 7 things about myself that no one knows. I might just mention a few facts that my blogger friends may find interesting. * I had taken an intentional break from blogging and am now will slowly and surely pick up the pace as time goes by. * I spent the…

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Born to Rock !!!

Hmmm. Yup! I’ve been gone a long time but now I’m back … I think ! Sorry for being away from Bloggerville for so long. I was just out of sorts in ways. Was I missed ? 😀 Well, it’s my birthday today. Yup folks ! It was 3 decades ago ( almost 😉 ) that I stumbled into this…

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Gone Tomorrow

Okay ! I did not get the relation of the title with the story but it hardly matters. My first Lee Child read and wow !! Every review on the front and back flap hold true with this one. After ages, a new read held me in it’s grip and it was absolutely hard to put it down. Jack Reacher,…

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Digital Fortress

Another fantaulous piece by Dan Brown. I just love this book. Bought it at the library for 50 cents and was flying in the air. Read it in one day like the old times and it was still as amazing as ever, even though it was the 2nd time I was reading it. If you like murder, mystery and thrills…

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Swine Flu Info

Hey All!!! I request anyone and everyone who is sick or feels a sore throat to have themselves tested. And please read up on all information regarding the Flu. It’s a sickness that can be cured when caught on time, not a reason for social ostracism. Kindly educate yourself and those around you. Take precautions and prevent the spread !!!…

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Love Stories

Love Stories – Aren’t they fun ?! I for one, am a sucker for a bad ass love story. Be it complete, incomplete, meant to be, or all wrong. The best part about them is that they can be found in plenty. Like sand in a desert! In movies, books and people. Every one has one – a story of…

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