Sophie Kinsella has me hooked. I picked up the book yesterday evening and finished it by morning for I just couldn’t put it down. There is no great murder mystery, and you even know who the culprit is quarter way into the book. Yet, yet – the author’s colorful scenes and funny twists have you wondering what could possibly happen…
Author: Aditi Wardhan Singh
A Reliable Wife
I picked this up just because it’s on the N.Y Best Seller list. And I still do not have much of an opinion on it. The story of a man who orders a mail order bride and a bride who had other plans is not out of the ordinary. The whole story was pretty much predictable as each person’s charachter…
The Lost Symbol !
The Lost Symbol – I picked this book up, inspite of the cool reviews it got from acquaintances. And I must say it deserves the cool reception it’s been getting. Dan Brown seems to have lost his touch with building a plot and keeping the reader on edge. Reading the book was like sitting in a histroy class, though personally…
Confessions of a Festaholic
V day was coming up and I was super excited. Not just coz the world would be celebrating love, but becoz I’d be telling all the people I cared for, how much they mean to me. For a person who just needs an excuse to have fun and celebrate life in all it’s glory, this was the perfect excuse. Cmon!!…
Running Blind
Well, by now anyone who knows me knows full well that I’m a Lee Child/Jack Reacher die hard fan. So there’s not much to say here. This book had me thinking about a lot of things. About how hard it is for women in the armed forces to get through what men usually find comparitively easy. How hard it is…
How Messy is messy ??
I’m upset these days, unnecessarily I might add. Picking up a single object to put it in it’s place seems like a chore for it seems so difficult to remember where it belonged. The physical clutter in my life seems to be taking up space in my mind as well. I need to organize, de clutter and ruthlessly. Make space…
The Quickie
I have been disillusioned of Patterson’s writing in a while now. I’ve been sick of the series’ books he’s been putting out there. They make reading work somehow, where one has to dredge through the pages. Yet I picked this one up on a whim just to see how Patterson is doing these days. And I have to admit I…
I saw the movie last year beginning and found it so so. Read the book and found it relatively the same, yet there is something that has you turning the pages and seeing next scene. Stephenie meyer brings nothing impressive to the actual writing. Yet her conceptualization of a vamipire and their supposed world is interesting enough to hold your…
One Shot
By now anyone who knows me, knows I’ve become a big, Big, BIG fan of Jack Reacher novels. So don’t expect anything except high praise. This book is once started doesn’t let one put it down. You can spend the whole day wrapped in the world of Jack Reacher and his logical deductions. It even has you thinking about the…
VengenceShe sat on the step looking out at nothingness around her. Her eyes had concentrated onto a point above the fence. The point where you actually look when your mind is actually swiched off. Her ears took in the sounds around her. A giggle here, a gurgle of laughter there. The voices of children, shouts, screams, teasing. The world seemed…