With all the ups and downs that I’ve been experiencing healthwise lately, I’ve had a revelation of sorts. Yes, another one ! Life is full of them 🙂 Some days have been thinking that I’m the ugliest person on earth. I look in the mirror and all I see is the tired, sad looking person who just puked her guts out and…
Author: Aditi Wardhan Singh
Satin Doll
Though the note at the back of the book is kind of misleading in a ‘ detour sign that fools you ‘ kind of way , Lillian Lewis from Booklist says ” A marvelous tale about not letting the past define one’s future. “ That I totally agree with. The story inspite of certain preconcieved notions of my own turned out…
Small Town Odds
I picked this book up on a whim and what a whim it was. It’s incredible how some books can teach you a lot about life without actually preaching about anything. As I stayed up late night and today morning finishing this book, I was continuously amazed by the subtle nuances of life shown and the humor portrayed in the…
Dexter by Design
I’m an unbashed fan of Dexter, the showtime series. The idea of justice for those scum bags tickles me no end. Specially the fact, that Dexter : a person with every reason to be as twister as the ” monstors ” he hunts tries at Every step in life to do the right thing is very fascinating. The fact that…
Professor and Pregnant Nanny
Read a mills and boons kind of book after AGES. And honestly, after almost a decade of break from such light reading, found it very refreshing. The story has decent content with enough cute moments thrown in to keep your attention. Loved the moments with the kids and the interaction between the two. Don’t expect too much from it but…
Are you there Vodka ? It’s me Chelsea
I picked this book up after hearing about it on tv and reading the rave reviews about it but found it nothing but tasteless and uninteresting drivel. The humor in any situation is totally lost on me. Maybe I’m just getting too I don’t know, maybe mature ?! for this kinda humor.
When I started the book, I didn’t have much hopes for it. Took it to be one of those run of the mill mystery books. But as I delved furthre into each page, I found myself intruiged by the mystery and thrill. Another one of Sandra Browns masterpieces. At every step, you think you know what’s happening but you are…
God and Karma
I’ve lived almost three decades now and yet when I talk to my mother who has two more decades on me, we have disagreements over what life means and what’s the best way to resolve a situation – hypothetical or real. Just yesterday, we were conversing and my mother says that all that happens is with the will of God. Our…
Warning : Intense Whining ahead !!
Life is changing … slowly but surely. Where have I been the past four months ?! Hmmm…. The good news is the I’m expecting. 🙂 And I couldn’t be happier about it. The bad news is the I’ve been too sick to even think about writing or any other extra curricular activity for that matter. Any exertion physical or mental…
Bloggers Blog on
I just finished seeing the movie, Julie and Julia. For someone who is totally passionate about writing as well as cooking the story was something I could truly connect with. I remember when I started blogging I too was in the exact same situation as Julie Powell in the movie. Lost! Since I was spending most parts of days by myself, I needed an outlet. I also…