I just read this book and I wouldn’t recommend it. The story is about a girl who sees her relatives burying bodies in the night and then tries to get help to save herself and her mother. Well, it’s more than that. There is another story intertwined in it and a big dollop of supernatural in the same. The writing…
Author: Aditi Wardhan Singh
Baby Got Gas
So, it’s been 8 months and I’ve still has been jerking awake to my son’s bucking and crying in the middle of the night. I get exasperated seeing the pain he’s in as his tummy TRIES to pas the gas and his body adamantly refuses to let it. 8 months of no sleep. You know how that feels if you’ve…
So, I’m a stay at home mom, living in the US of A, taking care of the a little tyke whose as much of a handful as he is JOY !!That’s my life these days. Making decisions every two minutes that are concerned with where he goes, what he does, what he eats and his sleep. I don’t know what…
One’s Own Road
Needless to say, I talk a lot about my son. Sometimes non stop even. Everything he does. The good, the bad and the ugly even. But I notice the when I talk to a generation older than us, they immediately start pointing out how naughty We were at our age. How it’s important to enjoy each and every moment of…
Etiquette Shmetiquette
So IIT Delhi is going to giving out a course on etiquette. High time I say. Not just in India but all over the world, pleases and thankyous and all that’s in between seems to be fazing out like the cat in Alice in Wonderland. I’m all for informality but it’s these little things that make any relationship, even with…
Absolute Power
Okay, so I’m way behind on my reviews but I Am making a note of all the books I’m still reading so some day soon, I’ll catch up. Here’s a short one on the above. Read this one last week. David Baldacci doesn’t fail to impress but it takes patience upto the 250th or so page to finally realize that…
Learning wisdom
Read this quote today on someone’s Facebook page. “By three methods we may learn wisdom: first by reflection,which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest;and third, by experience, which is the most bitter. “ While there is some truth in the above, what my experiences have taught me is the bitterness turns sweet when the wisdom emerges. Imitation literally…
Not just one
A woman has so many facets – daughter, friend, wife, daughter in law and most importantly mother. And we try to be all these things and more every single day. Juggling things like going shopping with phone calls and chores and making time for parents on web chats and taking care of our kids. All this while functioning on the…
Second Language
I’m sure you all have noticed. The minute two or more people speaking the same language get together, you cannot get them to stop talking in their own lingo. I used to HATE that. It’s one of the things that used to get on my nerves, specially since I’m fluent only in Hindi and English. Sour grapes I suppose. I couldn’t…
Mommy syndrome
I’m a mommy now and boy is it exhausting !! The sleepless nights, the frequent feedings, the incessant crying, the random walks holding the baby causing my arms to ache. The pleasures though are innumerable. Each smile the baby gives me when he looks at me early morning or after feedings or when I enter the room – Precious !!I’d…