Raped, Hailed, Forgotten

She fought, she scratched, her screams unheard Nails clawing flesh pain from pleasure. They kept on with their greed Testing fiercely, limits of humanity The roadside beckoned her last breathes The cold darkness above, the hot asphalt below Willing her to let go Stares passed on, uncaring Till a shoulder came forward for her to lean on Despair seeped through…

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Coin Toss

Once we have children, our view point about life changes. Everything that used to seem okay, suddenly seems darker. Being practical, one knows that one has to have perspective by being careful and giving people the benefit of doubt, always keeping an eye out for that elusive dangerous twist that could harm our little ones. For that we baby proof…

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How, When and Why

I’ve often been asked how and when I get the time to read and write, with all the work that goes into Life. The frequency of  these questions in the past couple of days have led to me thinking about WHY it is that I have this inherent need to write. Is it just something I do to pass the…

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Birthday Beholden

A blissful day of existence, A time to cherish days on by, Tears and joys of reflection Wondering on every how and why To be able to be celebrate oh wow ! Through all the yesterdays, tomorrows and days endlessly blue To be grateful for all that  culminated into a beautiful now. By those whose love is blessed and true…

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Our Clay Beings Awalking

Hopes abound we start a journey Rampant notions tripping us often Dust settling on our transparent being Assumptions unsaid, Hurt unexpressed Comes a fork often enough Crossing paths with others different or same Some lighten our load with a smile Others kick up a storm cloud Through it all feet keep moving The world seems to enjoy its pace We…

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Silent gestures

Tides wax and wane The world spinning insane Jumbled a thought, misplaced a word How feelings go unheard Silent screams go no further Impossible to touch the soul of another A smile. A touch. A sound. Kindness – dew drops in sands abound. Is it that hard to touch the soul of another ? To let them know they need…

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Friendship – so fickle

Dancing together we walked an expanse Laughter and merriment galore A few tears, heart felt moments too Memories forged forever more Milestones passed so did time Soon we turned into people anew Strangers now with a spattering of words Hopes one in heart we remain true And now I find no link to you No way to look back or…

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Thoughts for Many Days

Research shows plants grow better when talked to or stroked. I guess that just proves that every living being needs attention and love to grow beautifully. 🙂 “Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination.” – William Arthur Ward “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes…

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