Coin Toss

Once we have children, our view point about life changes. Everything that used to seem okay, suddenly seems darker.

Being practical, one knows that one has to have perspective by being careful and giving people the benefit of doubt, always keeping an eye out for that elusive dangerous twist that could harm our little ones.

For that we baby proof the house, cover all the sockets, hide all the glass, fix the boo boos and as they grow up warn them about the monsters out there in the wild, wild world, where eventually they need to know how to shape their actions.

Fire is bad, some people are predators both of which they should run away from. Yet how do we tell them about the people who seem to be friends but are not, who will hurt their hearts and break their trusts. People who aren’t obviously wrong for them, seeming to be the perfect on paper but will go on to betray them in unimaginable ways leaving scars that will take days or years to heal, maybe never.They will teach them lessons about life, love and friendship. Lessons that will turn them harder, maybe stronger, but a lot worse for wear before they realize that they are better off without such influences in their lives.

I try very hard every day to try to figure out a formula, to find a thread of commonality between all those people who’ve been that way with me. The gossiper, the back stabber, the manipulator, the skunk, the liar, the two faced hypocrite. A way to define the bitterness hidden within them that spilled into my life.

The sad truth is there is no such magic potion. There is No way to identify the moment when for whatever inexplicable reasons they decide to chose their victim to befriend and act on their deep desire to see another suffer.

I figure in the end is it’s going to have to be enough to try to be that person who my children trust to be there for them, before or after their souls are touched by such negativity. In being there, we would let them know that what’s important is to stand strong and grow. To keep living and not lose sight of the fact that bad experiences, do not a bad life make.

Every second that we smile at a stranger is a coin toss which can either be a beautiful relationship or a bitter lesson. Both lead to eventual growth, we just need to make sure that the evolution is always positive.

About Aditi Wardhan Singh

I'm a mom living in Virginia, enjoying chronicling my various escapes with the kids and around the kitchen. I believe being a mom involves a balance of holding on and letting go. And since being a mom is a 24/7 job, cooking though essential, needs to be as easy as can be. So peruse my blog for various experiences in parenting and experiments in cooking.
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